Friday, September 17, 2010


If you  missed the Emerald City Cat Fight in Seattle then you missed history!

In th winners bracket match on tourney day, Matt Weaver (S-Seattle) of Seattle No Game (AA Gold Medal from Championships in Portland) was going against Saia Ruepena (S-SFO,PDX and Seattle [girl has been around. lol}) of SFO Hyphy. The up-ref (tall, bowl hair looking like it was homemade cut when she was 14) didnt call a controversial set by Saia in the 17-17 rally. Seattle NO GAME didn't bother to block thinking that the referee would blow her damn whistle, but she did not!

Matt Weaver got upset and used a foul word inside the court (yes Weaver, you did! i was watching) asking for a call and wasn't satisfied and decided to pull the net down (which pretty much Weavers thing i noticed in some tournaments). The bad haired referee was shaking and reaching over the back pocket of her pants (saw it from the sidelines - her side, saying OH NO!) and pulled an amazing and very colorful RED CARD and called it towards Weavers action.

ChaCha BUZZ messaged Weaver and asked for his side of the story saying ...

"She immediately proceeded to give me the red. Thus began the question of what our team options were. We could not pull Derek from Libero to set so we had to use an illegal substitution to bring in Ryan who had subbed in at another position and Marts set for the rest. I left with the score tied at 17s, the card made it 17-18 and I think we score only 2-3 points once I left. After talking with folks afterward I realized word of the event spread throughout the gym pretty quick. I am sure this contributed to the feeling of being the "away" team for our loser's final match versus Hyphe (Sp?). Interesting to note is despite my usual intensity on the court this is the first card I have ever earned in the 21+ years I have played in tournaments. I guess I was saving it up for NAGVA. I will be REALLY interested to hear what other folks thought about the this aspect of the tournament, the card, and the events of the loser final. Overall still a blast of a tournament and some great play. (I thought your team played really well and certainly got tougher as the tournament went on. Thanks again for all the effort you provide in making the regional NAGVA community feel much less like v-ball and more like family. ;-) "

Oh Weaver! We didnt hate you or your team. Its just that the SFO Hyphy had more fan based and not to mention that team was almost a "reunion team" from years ago. It just so happened they are prettier! haha! JK!

Glad you had fun Weaver! 2-2 good tournaments for you and your team! 

What do you think about what happened? Was RED CARD necessary or was the NAILZ Referee just red car/trigger happy? 

Whatever it is, Seattle just made history and made a new term about Red Card... U GOT WEAVERED!!! 
(possibly used when you got served and you had no choice but to take it. lol)

not using xoxo,


Ryan Craven said...

I think....that Matt Weaver has been playing volleyball almost as long as I have lived. I love it! hahahahahaha!! I think the ref was insane. Not to mention, she chopped up the whole tournament to me prior to the match, she said.. and I quote "Does anyone ever complain how things are being ran here? Like how Jared runs this tournament, because it is so unorganized. Last time I had to sit around and wait for over an hour to ref and I was just sitting there not getting paid." I just looked at her like. Bitch, I don't care let's start this damn game. Then she proceeded to be the worst ref I have ever had (with the worst haircut in all the land) Fun tournament though!! Even though everyone was against my team in the semi-finals. I am gay too yall... that is like black on black crime! ;-P

SidePony said...

I think I MIGHT have this on video... I'll check monday!

BQQ said...

Ryan, NO ONE and i mean NO ONE person in the free world whether they be blind deaf or dumb has failed to notice and or sense that you are a gay man, dont get your panties in a twist homeslice because people can feel that flamin heat from places much further than tex-ass :D xoxo