Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sheona Traylor Buzz - San Jose tournament 2011

Our dear friend from the Bay area Sheona Traylor took time to write for ChaCha BUZZ to give us details for the upcoming San Jose NAGVA tournament. I've been going to the San Jose tournament for couple of years now and it never disappoints and certified go to tournament. Check out what Sheona got to say ...

Howdy Y'all...

Well hot damn, looks like another year has already blown past us and another NorCal Vball Classic is here! This is the 24th year San Ho-say is holding its annual President's Day Weekend tourney (although some years we've had to move it due to gym snafoos!).

Here's a couple of highlights and reminders from Sheona Traylor, unofficial spokes whitetrash for the SJ TRANNYment this year. (I'm not affiliated with SBVBC, i'm just a nosey bitch with lots of insider information!)

The AA division has officially been canceled and the spots snatched up faster than my Cousin/Aunt offerin' free Bud Light at the family reunion! Guess them girls don't know how to commit to and pay for a great tournament on time! There are now 7 B teams, 15 BB teams, and 14 A teams.

This year pool play will be split between 2 venues. The BB division plays on Saturday at the Foothill College small gym (our usual venue) and the A and B divisions will be at the brand new Arrillaga Gym in Menlo Park. BOTH DIVISIONS WILL PLAY AT FOOTHILL COLLEGE ON SUNDAY FOR ELIMINATION ROUNDS! Plan accordingly. Lunch will be served at both venues Saturday and also at Foothill College on Sunday. REMEMBER, Parking at Foothill College is $2.00 and is enforced at all times. (Parking at Arrillaga is free)

No t-shirts this year. I've got enough yellow stained wifebeaters to go around for y'all. Instead they're giving out some water bottles. You can use those to fill up on the ice cold water stations around the venues... or if you're like Sheona, you'll be fillin them bitches up with some ice cold bud light! mmmmkurrrrrr?

Like last year, SJ will be givin Green Backs again this year too. If your entire team registers (between 7-10pm at the Motif Club in downtown San Jose on Friday night), you will be entered into a drawing to receive your ENTIRE TEAM FEE BACK! Not a bad idea to get everyone down there and sloppy drunk while registering too!

The host hotel for SJ this year is the Fairmont. It is a beautiful historic hotel right in downtown SJ. Looks like the rate is $99.00/night.  (the Traylor Park is full and there is no room at Sheona's NO-tell HO-tell up in SF, so keep your eyes peeled if you can't swing that hotel cost! There are some more affordable hotels near the venue, but nothing within walking distance to plan for a short cab ride or a rental car)

Finally, and most importantly, get your damn rosters complete and get your individual NAGVA fees paid if you havent done that already. It's cheaper to do it all ahead of time. Also if you add an 8th (or more) players, its cheaper to do it on PayPal ahead of time than it is if you show up and they make Sheona chase you down with her shotgun to pay those extra team fees! Also make sure you have a certified Referee and Scorekeeper on your roster! This is a requirement of all teams!  If you need to get set up with that, email and talk to my gurrrrrl Johanthan Daclison the VP of Officials. She'll send you a link to take the test. The study material is available on the NAGVA website under the Documents and Forms link.

If you have any problems with getting your team rosters set up (cuz you a dumb ho like that), email my friend Jonny Sloan and he can help you with that stuff. He's a know-it-all biznatch and lurves helping people with that stuff.

Cya in a month kiddies!

Much Lurve from the Traylor Park,


Thanks Sheona! Mwah!

not using xoxo,

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