Monday, January 24, 2011

The "Speak in English" Yellow card

We already have a Red Card record from the Seattle tournament and now we got the Yellow Card record from New Orleans.

I posted on ChaCha BUZZ Facebook page last week about a Yellow card incident that happened in New Orleans and now we got the deetz for you guys coming from an not so anonymous "anonymous" sender.

So this is what went down ...

Atlanta Pressure was playing Seattle Battle Cattle. It was the second set of the game about half way through the match. A player from Pressure was disgruntled over the fact he felt that lifts and doubles were not being called. He began making racial comments saying "We call that a lift in America" or "In America we play by these rules" was also quoted using some spanglish. His team called a time out. That is when the same player said under his breathe implying that the upref should learn how to play the way we do in America. He received a yellow card. He inquired as to why he received it. While he was trying to explain it to him, he interrupted the up ref stating "Can you speak english please, how do you expect me to understand you!" Shortly after a member of Pressure was visibly upset with his teammates actions. A younger member of their team began defending the team that was officiating and attacking his teammate over his pour and immature behavior. The argument was very loud and was heard for all to hear. Pressure ended up losing their match against Battle Cattle.

In all fairness this player was spotted apologizing to the officiating team (up ref from the Puerto Rico team and others)that he offended and most especially to his team after the whole thing happened.

Hopefully we keep NAGVA a happy place where we see friends and have friendly competition.

not using xoxo,

... the said yellow card holder is a Regional Commisioner. We don't see him running another tournament at least for the rest of the season. Right, Donald Trump?


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! A regional commissioner behaved that way???

MsChaCha said...

Sad but true. We were matching tat match and was surprised on the way he acted towards the officiating team. We understand it is frustrating wen the officiating team keeps messing up the score or making bad call decisions. We all have our competitive side amongst us but it didn't need to end up that way.

Anonymous said...

Is it really a "racial" comment or more a "national"(for a lack of better word) comment? I know a lot of people born in the States that do not speak English well; sounds like this person may be one of them. You were there, so you would know, so just asking. I just notice sometimes people assume racist comments when they are not actually a racist comment but more a comment based on stereotypes.

Anonymous said...

I kinda feel like racist/prejudiced comments should get you suspended from NAGVA. It is one thing to get angry and frustrated or do something in the heat of the moment. It is another to continue to go on and on and make demeaning comments about a person's heritage. However, the NAGVA board isn't exactly known for being upstanding people in the first place, so I guess I shouldn't expect anything to come of this.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess ignorance is everywhere even in our community. I guess the player from Atlanta, does not know his history either. Puerto Rico is part of the U.S. and is "America". Behavior like that is not excusable, nor should be tolerated ever. On the other hand, he was most likely from southern parentage, born in the south and educated in the south (a perfect storm of unfortunate events). I am glad somebody in his team had the balls to say something.